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By Haunted Midwest Ghost Tours LLC (other events)

50 Dates Through Nov 02, 2025

Come investigate one of the most haunted locations in Wisconsin. A church that was built in1908 where voices and foosteps can be heard. We had a ghostbox and someone kept saying messanger. On the property is a Rectory built in 1913 and is extremely haunted with tons of disembodied voices, shadows, loud footsteps when no was is in building and while you are in the building. This is also the building that when we were in the attic a voice said "GET OUT" . I turned the ghost box on and asked who was there and a voice said "DAVID". I asked how long have you been here and he said " BEFORE EARTH BEFORE TIME". There is also a school on the property that was built in 1953 and still has holy water recepticles in every classroom. Lots of activity from little girls laughing to an apparartion that was seen of a little girl drinking out of the bubbler. Shadows dart down the hall to the gym and in and out of classroom. WAIT not done yet the 4th building on the property is the Covent built around same time as school was as active as the other locations but much smaller in size.. The church has so much activity down in the stage area and upper floors from the ghosts that used to love the place. Next section lists some floor plans for size wise.

Church has basement with multiple rooms and banquest / reception area and stage. Upper main floor has a few rooms and a balcony. 

School has 2 floor wich includes 4 classrooms and a gym but without basketball hoops

Rectory has 4 floors with a very creepy basement, main floor with rooms, 2nd floor with aboout 6 bedrooms and attic which is also very creepy.

Covent has only one floor no basement and about 5 bedrooms or 6 with a kitchen. 

My picks for most haunted are Rectory, Church, School and Convent in that order but every team and every night is different so my picks might be different then others picks. 

Your chance to investigate with us with only 15 guests per group will make it more personal than other locations with 30 plus people. Cost is 48.00 a person for 3 hours and the final 45 min to an hour is free roam for you and your friends to investigate on your own, Time choices are 7 to 10pm and 1030 pm to 130 am.  Like always no drugs or alcohol. If you come intoxicated or high you will be removed from the property with no refund. Ages 12 and up but all minors must be with legal guardian and must sign a waiver to gain access. Please bring flashlights or you can buy one of ours for 3.00. Please dont bring stuff to protect yourselves like crystals or rocks or sage. We do sell these products and more at our store. This location is about love and light and ghosts were once people too so they are treated with respect. We look forward to meeting everyone. 

Questions feel free to text 920-428-1108 or email [email protected] for more information.